Advice for Preventing Boring Dances
I feel like I bore the followers I dance with.
He has been dancing for 3 months. When he is social dancing he runs out of dance moves. How can he make the dance more interesting for the follow?
Followers should understand that everyone was a beginner at some point.
A lot of follows do not care about how many skills you know, as long as you’re both having fun! If your face looks bored, then it’s hard to enjoy. If you’re enjoying the dance, so is the follow. Sometimes it’s really nice to have a dance with more beginner moves, after you had a couple of advanced dances. The follows need time to breath. Don’t worry, keep dancing and HAVE FUN.
A lot of beginners believe that it is the amount of patters you know that separates dancers. In my opinion this is not true. People will do 4 or 5 things and just add variations on top of it so it looks and feels different.
The pro tip is to focus a lot more on musicality and less on moves; people can appreciate when they see that you are interpreting the song instead of just repeating moves that you memorized.
Try to take the moves you have, add variations, break them into pieces, extend them and play with them so it matches the song
Some of the most important moves are 1: Staying on beat and on time. If your basic step is IN TIME with the music and you always know how to “find the 1”, then that’s going to make the dance enjoyable by default.
2: If you execute a: basic steps, cross body leads, reverse cross body lead, around the world, cross body lead turn, cross body lead turn to wraparound. If you can do these you’re good.
Shines are a great way to make the dance more interesting. Shines allow you the opportunity to break apart from your dance partner and freestyle this can be very simple, something like a few turns or maybe a Susie Q, or even just your basic step. If you listen for a bridge in a song you can break off and allow the follower to have a bit of fun then link up with a cross body Lead. Side note: Not all follows enjoy shines, some get lost like a deer in headlights.
Finally please understand that as a lead you are going to have a hard time at the beginning. There are simply too many things you are learning. This causes you to look stressed and feel stressed and this is what follows are reacting to. It’s not the complexity of your patterns.
So as others have said, try to relax, don’t try too hard, and focus on musicality, shines, interaction with your dance partner. Improve the mood of the experience