Basics for Kizomba
Question by User ab10134
What are the “essential” must know dance moves for a beginner in Kizomba.
So far I have gathered
Basic 1,2,3 Men and women saida Retrocesso and virgula and balance’
User maplemonkey
That sounds like a great start. These moves are a good foundation to start working on posture, balance, smoothness, and lead-follow connection. You can also change the same moves up with rhythm variations. No specific moves really come to mind for me. Hopefully soon we’ll be going to workshops and lessons. Best way to learn the good stuff
User nereprezentativ
Walking (corridinho) with direction changes, slows and balance will get you through an entire song. There are actually A LOT of moves that constitute the “basics” and you need time to master them all. Your list is good and more than enough to start socials.
Focus on walking and use each of the listed moves once on each dance. This way you will not annoy your partner with poorly executed moves and you’ll also be able to listen to the music while performing the “easiest” move (walking). That is if you are a lead. If you are a follow just dress nicely and enjoy the honeymoon. Mind reading efforts and self doubt will follow soon enough.
User kamakamelia
the cultural history and also the difference between urban-kiz and kizomba!!!! Please donf miss that one. Its soo essential for a good understanding of the dance but people walk all over it all the time
User bij_tho7502
This is really all you need if we are talking kizomba. Lol
Ive been dancing for a hit minute now and found that the more i learn, the more i really enjoy the basics and dont stray far outside of those you listed.