Can you dance with just the basics?
Question By User rayo2010
I have been learning Kizomba for 4 lessons now and i already know the below:
— Basic 1,2,3.
— Turn left/right.
— Walk forward/backward on 5 counts.
— Saida man/woman.
— Saida turn (saida woman then cha cha then turn 90 or 180).
There is a social coming next week can i survive with just those? I still can’t transition from one move to another perfectly yet since there is no count like salsa which tells you when to end exactly but i’m still trying at home (Alone unfortunately :D )
PS: im a lead
User rntla
Hi rayo2010,
the answer will ultimately depend on your community, because there are different styles in kizomba: some like it flowing and easy, others like it fancy.
The key, though, is in musicality: dancing to the rhythm of the song and expressing music with your dance.
Dancing is NOT an exact science, so be ready for changing your plans, in case there is some missed communication between you and the follower. In those moments, play with it and have fun!
I still remember going to a dancing festival and observing this teacher who was using the most basic steps, nicely, relaxed and to the music and the lady that he was dancing with had such a beautiful smile on her face…
User bij_tho7502
Totally can dance with just basics. I’ve been at it for 3 years now and when I dance kizomba it is basics 95% of the time. Play with timing and directions and you have all the variety you need. The beauty of the dance is it can be as simple or complex as you want. Just enjoy the music and your partner. 😊
User DanceNomads
The best way to learn is to definitely go to the social and feel what it’s like. You can most def dance with the basics you know. It’s all about fun, be clear to the lady you are a beginner, so they will understand if you struggle. Also, take your time, transitions will come with practice and the best way to do that? dance with as many ladies as possible on socials. You will probably feel overwhelmed, but you will learn twice as fast if you go.
User KizATX
In my experience, basics can and are the most important area of dance. Recommend to focus on basics (1st 5 basics of Kizomba).
1st Basic (In-place) 2nd Basic (Side to Side) 3rd Basic (Traveling) Retrocesso Vírgula
Build a STRONG foundation and understanding of frame, posture, tempo, 100% active lead / follow and first 5 basics of Kizomba. Socially, this is all you need to make an absolutely enjoyable dance for you and your partner on the dance floor.
Performance, of course, have different focuses for Semba Show, Urban Kiz, KiZouk, Tarraxo, etc. (For a different conversation).
Personally, the most important tip I can give regarding musicality: listen to the music…ALOT. Full immersion!
Also, enjoy the dance for you — not to be cliche. That’s when you’ll have the most fun.
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions! Ciao!