I forget everything when I’m social dancing.
I forget everything when I’m social dancing.
This is a leader, dances 2–3x week. Socials once a month or once every two months.
relax and have your focus on enjoying the dance. your expectations for yourself are way off. You expect to dance all these intermediate level moves without actually having practiced much.
As you probably noticed, knowing so many moves does not help you that much. You need to actually practice them, combine them with other moves and also select them fitting to the music.
It’s actually really hard to practice any new moves in a social setting if you are a beginner. Your brain will not be able to follow the music properly and you will miss out on a lot of enjoyment you could have if you were more in the moment.
Your follow also is not looking for all the moves that you have in your arsenal, they are there to enjoy the dance. Work on your connection with your follow. Everybody dances a little bit different and if you get a proper feel for each other first (and relax), everything will be way easier
Before going to a Social: watch videos of your past classes and practice them a little bit by yourself
You need to go to way more parties and socials. Immerse yourself.
Dance with beginners/followers around your level or what you can do right now. Less pressure
Leave your comfort zone from time to time and dance above your level. Maybe also with pros
If you Instructor teaches a pattern, You are not going to remember all of it. Instead try and remember a certain portion of that pattern that you like, and practice that ! try to remember the hand position, where my follow is supposed to be and what count, etc. And then I just keep on perfecting. Unless you have a photographic memory, if you try to remember everything you learn, it will be impossible! Break it into smaller chunks and then work on perfecting those!
A lot of beginners are so focused on what other people may think of them. But let me ask you this: what makes you so special that everybody is focused on you? try and be more present and dance to the best of your ability without putting pressure on yourself. When your brain is more relaxed, you will remember more moves and it will flow more smoothly. If you make a “mistake”, laugh about it with your partner. Don’t take yourself too seriously.
Try to aim for:
1 Hour of class =
1 Hour of practice =
1 Hour of social dancing =
Remember In social dancing, people are just there to have fun. Nobody cares if you do a move wrong (unless you hurt them), if your vibe is about enjoying yourself, you and your partner will have a good time.
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