Interview with The Splendid Ms. Prescilla Saada
This was done a little differently. Ms. Prescilla resides in France. Needless to say, my French is abysmal.
Instead of putting you all through the torture of me trying to speak French with this lovely young lady.
She so kindly, blessed me with a written interview !!!!
Contact Information:
- Tell me about Paris? What is the city like?
Paris is a pretty city with lots of stories!! It looks like all the cities hahaha.
It has large buildings and especially great historical monuments.
- Did you grow up dancing?
- Tell me about growing up in Paris?
I did not grow up in Paris even. I grew up in the suburbs in the 94.
- How did you get into Kizomba?
When I was younger, I went out to the Afro-Carribean parties. It was in an evening that I tried the Kizomba, I loved it I decided to take classes. A stroke of luck for me, a course had just opened in my gym and I have more time to go.
● Tell me about your Dance Partner Youri?
Youri is a great dance enthusiast.
He is benevolent and he has helped me a lot to progress. He is now a real friend to me, like a big brother.
- How did you meet him?
He was part of a team of volunteers in a Festival (Paris Origem) where I was organising with the Association of which I am “Kizomba suave “.
- What other dance styles do you know?
Oriental Dance, modern jazz, Zouk, Kompa… The basics of hip hop, Dancehall.
- What is your favorite dance style?
I will say the Kizomba/Semba because that is what I practice the most now. Otherwise I love everything I’m not close minded. I love discovering new things.
- What advice do you give to people chasing their dreams?
To always believe and never give up even if sometimes there are a lot of obstacles you have to know to stay good!!
- What is your mentality when it comes to challenging and overcoming obstacles?
I work a lot to overcome the challenges and obstacles! As they say we have nothing without anything. Nothing is insurmountable so you have to believe and go there!!
- What are some lessons you have learned from dancing, that you can translate to everyday life?
I would say: my confidence, my shyness and my assurance.
- What are your thoughts on “being ready”? At what point do you just jump straight into something?
When I feel good the thing LOL otherwise I do not go ahah!!
- What defines success for you?
Honesty, sincerity and especially give envy to others to do things
- Tell me about KS Kizomba Suave.
Kizomba suave is an association by Yves Nakinho. It is 100% authentic. We organise evenings, festivals (Kizomba, Semba, Afro…) and courses.
Rapid Fire Questions
(Answer these questions in 10 seconds or less)
- If, you could meet anybody dead or alive who would it be?
Simone Veil, I have a lot of admiration for this lady. His experience is a great lesson in life!! - Favorite thing to do outside of dancing?
I like to sing first passion before the dance. Otherwise I also like to go out with my friends! - Why the chicken cross the road?
Ahah!! I don’t know. - Best gift you have ever received?
Euh.. My first musical instrument, my Alto. - If you had one superpower, what would it be?
Teleportation =) !! - What is one item you could never live without?
without music - As a child, what did you want to be growing up?
I wanted to be a vet! - What Advice would you give your 25-year-old self?
To continue to be oneself!! and especially live we have only one life!! - Best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
To always believe in oneself!! - Worst advice?
Abandon - Favorite Dance Style?
I love everything! - Stuck on an island for 5 days, you can only bring 3 items.
School cream ahah!! my blankie and my Viola! - What is your favorite Dance Congress?
Paris Origem
Ending Questions
- What advice can you give to people who feel like they are stuck in a beginner’s rut?
Never give up and especially work work!! There is no secret without work we arrive at nothing!!
- What does it take to take that leap from intermediate dancer to advanced dancer?
Work !!!
- When I say the word musicality, what does that mean to you?
- One tip that can make anyone a better dancer instantly?
I would say good guidance !
- What is your next upcoming event? Nzinga Festival
- Where will you be performing at next? Nzinga Festival
- How can people reach you?