Is social dancing still a thing?
Question By User knellerwashere
So my wife and I were talking about taking up something new to do together, and one of the first things that came to mind is social dancing. We figured that’s a thing that people do, we should be able to find a venue or something. I’ve been googling for over an hour and can’t find anything. We’re not even picky about taking salsa, we’ll take anything from bachata to kizomba, but we can’t find a place to just hang out and dance.
The weird thing is that we’ve found a fair number of local studios that will teach dancing, but there’s really nowhere to go once you learn it. Granted, a couple of the schools were clearly oriented towards competition, but many of them come off as places to learn to social dance.
If it helps, we moved to Pennsylvania a couple years ago (probably the first nail in the coffin)
Are there resources/sites/something that I’m overlooking? Thanks!
User double-you
Google might not find a lot as many events are posted on Facebook.
User Vv_PR_Lbr
Where are you between Lancaster and Philly? Lots of cornfields to cover!
You can find social dancing in Philly every night of the week! Sunday’s is a great day, on nice weather and even light rain they have socials outside at the rocky steps from 5–8. Or 4–7 in the fall.
Saturday’s in Plymouth Meeting are good or Allentown is a good option also if you don’t want to go all the way to Philly. Pottstown has a salsa event once a month. Reading has some dive bars that are great fun live music and good dancing.
Philly definitely has people doing the most. Nothing wrong with it. They’ll do their performance styles no matter where they are. University city and old city have a great salsa scene . Those events are also the most diverse, the DJ speaks English, the crowd is a mix from every age of life, nationality, language, income. It’s like a perfectly casted crew of extras with equal representation haha.
You can come to one of our events in Montgomery county or Lehigh Valley. DJ and professional instructor!
User johnwinston2
Checking the studio’s facebook page can lead to other links that may provide event info. I just found a facebook page called “philly salsa bachata”.
User lfe-soondubu
I’m in the Philly area. I hear Lancaster’s a dead zone — I see people in my classes from out there sometimes, who drive all the way out here to take classes since they can’t find any over there.
If you’re looking for Philly events, get on facebook and start looking up events and promoters and follow them. One I like is Dance Republic. They throw around 1–3 events a week I think. Cover usually isn’t a whole lot at these events unless its a special occasion. Parking isn’t a lot either if you use parking apps, or it can be free if you know where to look. I don’t drink a lot at socials so that doesn’t factor into my costs that much.
The closest studio to you I can think of that hold semi-regular socials is Pivot Ballroom in Phoenixville, PA. Never been to any of their events but I see them on facebook from time to time. Also Take the Lead dance studio is in Hockessin, DE which might not be too far. I go to their monthly socials pretty regularly. Salsa in the Suburbs in Media, PA is also a little bit closer than Philly would be for you. They hold socials 1–2 times a month I think.
Obviously a lot of studios in Philly proper as well, and also right across the river in NJ, but that’s probably over an hour drive for you at that point.
I believe there’s also a scene in northeast MD too, but I’m not too familiar with it. That might also be closer to you depending on where you are exactly.
User digitalsmear
The best thing to do is call or email dance schools in the area you want to visit ahead of time and ask them what’s good. Facebook is also a decent resource — lots of public events.
When I lived in Philly about 6 or 7 years ago there was dancing 5 nights a week, of varying quality, and quality of venue.
7 nights a week, and at multiple spots, if you included short drives into NJ. Not to mention NYC.
Do you already have experience with salsa dancing? It’s not really something you can just “go do” — it takes practice and instruction to feel comfortable, never mind proficient. If you just want to dance with each other, it’s whatever makes you happy. Though that’s not really the spirit of social dancing.