What is the best European country to learn kizomba ?
User pferden
Lisbon for traditional or paris for urbankiz kizomba. Why go elswhere?
Some starting points in lisbon: b.leza, jazzys dance studio, barrio latino. Festivals: like festival, semba no pe, christmas kizomba festival etc. You may even have the opportunity to enjoy concerts of your favorite kizomba music artists there.
Paris: khao suay (my preferred club), lovkiz or any other festival. Most people prefer lovkiz, as jojo is a regular teacher there.
Or you may check youtube for your favourite kizomba teachers and track them down in their schools or on festivals. Just a completely incomplete list (open to suggestions) to start your journey: Jojo, azzedine, felicien, mestre petchu, fantastic 4, kristofer mencak, oncle kani, moun, enah, albir, sarah lopez, mr tecas, iron mams and many, many more!
Every country has good schools for urbankiz and good schools for kizomba.
For kizomba, in Amsterdam you can find Dino Da Cruz and Eliza Sala. In Lisbon Jone Valentinofs and Nelinha Gonga. In Hamburg there is Maria Maluca. In Poland the Vamulas and Pavel. Etc.